
Showing posts from August, 2019

Why Are My Reviews So Long?

Good question. I know – they’re wordy  🤦🏻‍♀️ Sometimes they’re too wordy for some retail sites – Barnes & Noble, Christian Book, Books A Million … so I’ve had to whittle them down to bare bones which isn ’ t easy. So, why I am wordy? In short? To cover what the book is about, my feelings on the book – characters, story line, length – those things. For me a review is much like a book report. * What is the book about? * What do you like about the book? * What do you dislike about the book? * How did you relate (or not) to the characters? * Why did you choose the book * What drew you to the book? * Are you familiar with the author and if so – how does it compare to previous works? * Where could the author have expanded and/or what could the author have left out? * How did the book make you feel? * Recommending the book – why or why not? Allotting 50 words to each question can get into 400+ words easily. That’s prett...

Why I Don’t Do eBooks …

No, I don’t do eBooks 😔 I know, for someone who loves to read and review books, eBooks should be a part of that. And, sadly they’re not. It’s just not something I can do or get into. I have two very solid reasons and one strong preference: REASON #1.) I don’t own an eReader This is the main reason. And, as we have limited funds, I don’t plan to get one anytime soon. I have to account for how well my money is spent. I can’t justify the cost of one. Then again, I really can’t have one … REASON #2.) I cannot use an eReader I spend a lot of time on my computer as it is – budgets, my writing, photography, social media, posting book reviews … the last thing I want to do at night is read from an electronic device. That’s why I prefer physical books – hardback or paperback. It’s easier on my eyes with the lighting in my room. Yes, there are some devices out there that have different lighting options – but again, it’s still an electronic device. ...


HELLO!! While I have blogs for my other interests, and have very much neglected them (I am so sorry about that) – this new one has been created for a special reason. A lot has changed since I created the other ones – which I am going to try to give a bit more attention to. This one is solely for the books I’ve read – the Advanced Reader Copes (ARCs) of upcoming novels, some launch team books I’ve helped with, along with some “social media” tours I’ve done. All of which I hope to continue to do in the future. The title for this blog was a bit more difficult to come up with. I thought of “Book Nook”, “The Bookshelf” – yet nothing stuck. Then, in desperation I chose … READING EXCURSIONS It seemed to fit and the description? Well … it was pretty easy to come up with. I do believe that reading is an excursion – either a temporary getaway, or a vacation. Reading takes us to different towns (even countries), even takes us to different times, it help...