🌊 πŸ–️ 🏘️ "On a Coastal Breeze" (Three Sisters Island Book #2) 🏘️πŸ–️🌊 (2020)


Series: Three Sisters Island (Book #2)
Hardcover: 320 pages
Publisher: Revell (May 5, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-10:  0800734998
ISBN-13: 978-0800734992
⬅️ Click Picture for Purchase Information

For Madison Grayson, life is good. Newly licensed as a marriage and family therapist, she can't wait to start her practice. Despite the unfortunate shortage of eligible bachelors on the island--they're all too young, too old, or too weird--Maddie feels like she's finally found her sweet spot. Not even one panic attack in the last year. Not one.

And then Ricky O'Shea drops in. Literally. Floating down from the pure blue sky, the one man in the world she hoped never to see again--the one who'd been her archnemesis from kindergarten through her senior dance--parachutes into town, landing on Boon Dock, canopy draping behind him like a superhero. Ricky O'Shea. Now Pastor Rick, the new minister on Three Sisters Island.

As part of the Revell Blogger Program, I was really excited to be chosen for the second book in this series, “On a Coastal Breeze” to review. Thank you in advance to the publisher who so graciously sent me a complimentary review copy. A positive review was not required or requested, all views and words are my own.

In anticipation of receiving the book, I ordered “On a Summer Tide”.

As previously mentioned, this is part of a series. This could function as a standalone read, but would be best enjoyed being read with the previous book. “On a Coastal Breeze” is Madison’s story.

Like the previous one, this cover is so tranquil, serene and gorgeous that it seems like it would be difficult to find anything wrong in what seems like paradise. But, as we all know – never judge a book by the cover, and if something seems like too much of a good thing … it probably is.

Right off the blurb grabbed me – a new pastor who literally drops in on the island. Someone from Madison’s youth – someone who was relentless in his teasing. Now, he’s grown up – like her – and taking on a role to change people’s lives much like Maddie does.

But, she can’t seem to get over the past between them.

Like the previous novel, all three sisters are in crisis. Cam is in the middle of an energy proposal for the island in addition to trying to set a date for her wedding; Maddie is trying to get her business going; Blaine is home from culinary school, on a break – but this time it is for a different reason.

The camp is now in its second season and doing quite well. And, the two thieves from the previous novel are back. There is some minor character development between the two characters, though more so with one of them.

Most of the flashbacks are told from Maddie’s perspective, and more or less reflect on her “relationship” with Rick.

In addition to the unresolved conflict with Maddie, Rick also upsets Cooper with the Jonah/whale bible story. This throws Cooper back into chaos, so much so it affects most aspects of his day to day life. Though there is a resolution at the end, I was very curious as to what happened to really cause that problem. Though Cooper’s rapid acceptance of Seth was quite interesting.  And, for some reason that seemed to calm him down. For those who read the first book – this revelation should come as no surprise.

I really enjoyed Rick’s character quite a bit. As this was also partly his story, I did like him more than Seth. And, I felt Rick’s character was already developed when he dropped in. Blaine seemed to be maturing, but at a slower pace. Cam was still in the middle of chaos, so this novel seemed to show some growth for her towards the end.

This was more in-depth than the first novel.

Tillie’s attitude regarding Maddie and Rick threw me for a loop. I honestly didn’t see that coming – nor did I want to. As this issue was quite unresolved at the end, I am wondering if the author plans to revisit that in the third installment.

Towards the end, the author set up a rather “heart-stopping” issue with Rick and Maddie. And, it was so heart-warming to see how much Maddie really cared and grew to love Rick even more. Their relationship was actually the best of the two featured so far.

The events in this book set up the third book, which will probably be Blaine’s story. I’m really curious about the “culinary school” issue, along with her romance (or rather lack of) with Artie.  

I am also hoping for some “completion” of the story between Peg and Paul. There, to me, seems like a “will they/won’t they” sort of romance between the two.

This was very well written and definitely hard to put down. I enjoyed this book a lot more than the first one, and am eagerly awaiting the third installment.

As this is distributed by Revell, which is a Christian/faith themed publisher, there will be Christian tones to it. Since Rick’s main job is being a pastor, this relies on faith as a central theme and is part of the plot line. Some of Revell’s books don’t rely this heavily on faith. It wasn’t a problem for me as I don’t mind it.

For those who want less “preaching”, they may want to pass it up. This is also a clean read which means there are no sex scenes or foul language.

Recommended for fans of Christian fiction that enjoy strong faith and church themes; or for fans of the author who are familiar with her work.   


⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Goodreads

⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Bookbub

⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Personal Rating (see rating explanation in this blog: https://readingexcursions.blogspot.com/2020/01/rating-system-2020-changes.html)

Other Books in the Series:

Series: Three Sisters Island (Book #1)
Hardcover: 320 pages
Publisher: Revell (April 30, 2019)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 080073498X
ISBN-13: 978-0800734985
Click Picture for Purchase Information

Camden Grayson loves her challenging career, but the rest of her life could use some improvement. “Moving on” is Cam's mantra. But there's a difference, her two sisters insist, between one who moves on … and one who keeps moving.

Cam's full-throttle life skids to a stop when her father buys a remote island off the coast of Maine. Paul Grayson has a dream to breathe new life into the island--a dream that includes reuniting his estranged daughters. Certain Dad has lost his mind, the three sisters rush to the island. To Cam's surprise, the slow pace of island life appeals to her, along with the locals--and one in particular. Seth Walker, the scruffy island schoolteacher harbors more than a few surprises.


Suzanne Woods Fisher is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than thirty books, including On a Summer Tide, as well as the Nantucket Legacy, Amish Beginnings, The Bishop’s Family, and The Inn at Eagle Hill series, among other novels. She lives in California. Learn more at www.suzannewoodsfisher.com and follow Suzanne on Facebook @SuzanneWoodsFisherAuthor and Twitter @suzannewfisher.


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