🚉 💔 "Bound: Two Broken Souls, One Journey" 💔 🚉




Paperback: 201 pages

Publisher: Independently Published (October 21, 2020)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1946531766

ISBN-13: 979-8634919959

⬅️ Click Picture for Order Information


Levi Coulter is a teenage loner who is desperate to escape his abusive home life. But when that desperation finally propels him to leave it all behind, an encounter with another runaway half his age completely derails his plans. Casey Gage is so innocent and helpless Levi feels honor bound to befriend and help her. With complete self-confidence, he takes her under his wing. Yet when injury befalls the pair on their journey, Levi must accept help from the first people he finds.


Abel and Mariah Bellworth are simple farm folk with a heart for kids and a passion for serving God. With unconditional love and gentleness, they begin to care for the two broken youngsters. Levi and Casey's troubles finally seem to be over and they are just starting to flourish when Casey is dragged back into the abusive world she came from causing the emotional trauma, pain, and distrust to resurface.


Will God answer their prayers? Or will they be forever bound by their past?


Thank you in advance to the author, Victoria Lynn, for providing a gifted complimentary review copy. A positive review was not required in any way, nor was it requested. All words are my own.

This is one of the RARE, if not first, Christian fiction books I have to start off with a trigger warning on. This has themes of child abuse, alcohol addiction, child neglect, drug dealing, and using a child to deal drugs as well in a disturbingly realistic plot.


Lynn’s writing is descriptive, emotional, and as I stated – realistic. She definitely draws the reader in so much that they feel like they are right there.


For a Christian fiction book, the story goes about halfway before there are any references. Once they do start, there are strong references to God, Jesus, the bible as well as bible quotes. These are often woven within the current chapter and relevant to what is going on.


This is a rather short story, written in short chapters. This is not a romance or a feel good story, but it is an inspiring story of how faith can bring people together and keep them together. This is a darker, dramatic, emotional story and not a light read. It is definitely heart-breaking but at times uplifting, more so with the connection between Levi and Casey.


The version I got is a “re-boot” of the original by a “new-to-me” author. This is not a book you sit and “crave” to read, but one that should be read with an open mind and one that wants to learn. It is one that might be a re-read or high on that scale given the content. It is a standalone read.


The cover is non-descript, and to me has nothing to do with the story other than the location where Levi and Casey meet.


The main characters are 14 year old Levi who is escaping an abusive, alcoholic father; and eight (8) year old Casey who is escaping her abusive, drug dealing parents. Levi; despite his age and background; is mature, compassionate, and generous. He is definitely patient with Casey who he instantly takes to and feels protective of.


Casey on the other hand is shy, but warm up to Levi. At times she seems far older than eight (8).


At the beginning of each chapter are either bible quotes or quotes relevant to what is going to happen in that chapter.


Such as chapter one’s “Maybe it's not about the length of time you've known someone; maybe it's about instant recognition on an unconscious level. Our souls know each other” – this is where Levi and Casey meet.


This story doesn’t lag, perhaps because of it being shorter. The reader is introduced to the two kids at a train station and from there the story picks up and takes off.


It isn’t long until an accident forces Levi to turn to someone else, which is when he meets up with Abel and Mariah Bellworth. From there, the couple takes care of them and gets Casey the help she needs. Though they seem like a happy couple, they too are grappling with loss – their missing adult son.


While they are firm believers, they don’t shove religion, prayers, or Jesus down the children’s throats. More or less they let the two children slowly come around.


As stated on the back blurb – Casey is sent back to her parents.


But, there is someone who is watching over her and had once stood up for her.


Acting under a threat, Casey has to do something and ends up meeting Jason again. It is through his assistance that Casey is able to get free of her parents and that life.


Jason has another connection to Casey and the reader will see how that plays out. I had a feeling as soon as he was introduced. Some readers will likely see that plot coming.

 While Jason has had a hard life, he is harder on himself than he needs to be because of an accident that claimed his best friend.


What the reader will learn – everything happens for a reason – this is especially true when it comes to Jason and Casey. God is there even when it doesn’t seem like he is.


The author slowly leads Levi back to God and the bible, and brings together an unlikely family. Jason even learns to accept forgiveness for what sins he thinks he has committed.


The end is predictable, but beautiful.


In a slight spoiler, there was a legal issue that prevented Casey’s adoption. I was wondering what that was specifically. In some cases, after two (2) to three (3) years of a parent(s) incarceration, a child can be adopted. It was apparent her parents did not want her, her life was in jeopardy, and she had been abused. Also, it didn’t seem like they were given visitation so I don’t doubt their parental rights would’ve been revoked thus leading into adoption. It would’ve been helpful with a more detailed explanation as to what that issue was.


I was drawn to this story because of the plot given its genre.  The love and patience shown by Mariah and Abel was beautiful along with Levi’s attentiveness to Casey. The fear and connection between Levi and Casey was sweet and heart-breaking at the same time. For a darker themed book, it did end on a lighter note.


Fans of the author will probably enjoy this. This is geared for those who enjoy Christian Fiction with a more serious tone.





⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Goodreads


⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Bookbub


⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Personal Rating (see rating explanation in this blog: https://readingexcursions.blogspot.com/2020/01/rating-system-2020-changes.html)






Victoria is a passionate creator with  love for serving Jesus and others. Creating something beautiful is what really makes her feel alive, whether that is through graphic design, sewing, handiwork, or encouraging others. She is an author with a penchant for creating stories that spreads the love of Christ and encourages others in their daily life, all while spinning a yarn that warms the cockles of your heart.




You can follow her on the following social media accounts:


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/victorialynnauthor/


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorialynnauthor/




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