🐎💕 “Her Surprise Hometown Match” (The Golden Matchmakers #4) (2023) 💕 🐎 – Book Review

Her Hometown Match JustRead Blog Tour 

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Her Surprise Hometown Match by Tara Randel, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Her Surprise Hometown Match Title: Her Surprise Hometown Match 
Series: The Golden Matchmakers Club #4 
Author: Tara Randel 
Publisher: Harlequin Heartwarming 
Release Date: February 21, 2023 
Genre: Contemporary Romance (Sweet/Clean) 

Can she be honest… 

With the rodeo cowboy? 

Juliette Bishop is living a lie. And she won’t let any man get close enough to discover she’s not the hero Golden residents imagine. But rebellious former rodeo cowboy Ty Pendergrass slips under her radar…and straight into her heart. No stranger to the struggles of shedding a reputation, the daring trick rider could be her perfect match. If she has the courage to come clean with him and her hometown! 

USA TODAY Bestselling Author 

From Harlequin Heartwarming: Wholesome stories of love, compassion and belonging. 

More Books in this Series

Stealing Her Best Friend's Heart Her Christmastime Family His Small Town Dream

My Review

Thank you in advance to the author, Tara Randel, for providing a complimentary review copy through JustRead Publicity Tours. A positive review was not required nor requested, and all words are my own.

I got into the series in August 2021, and have read all but the second book. That still remains on my TBR list.

And, while these can often act as standalone reads, I HIGHLY suggest readers read the previous three books first as it will show the progression of the series and how the characters are connected.

Some characters from the previous books either appear or are mentioned:

💗 Heidi & Reid (#1 – Stealing her Best Friend’s Heart)

💗 Carrie & Adam (#2 – Her Christmastime Family)

💗 Faith & Roan (#3 – His Small Town Dream)

💗 Gayle Ann & Harry (#1 – Stealing her Best Friend’s Heart)

Also, the rest of the matchmakers are back:

💘 Alveda

💘 Bunny

💘 Wanda

💘 Brando (Ty’s father)

Readers who’ve read His Small Town Dream are already aware that Ty Pendergrass was next on the matchmakers’ list. And, those who – like me – saw something between Gayle Ann and Henry in the first book, will see that relationship progress. So, this acts as a spoiler for those who haven’t read the previous three books.

Randel then introduces readers to:

🩺 Juliette

👩🏻‍🦳 Pam (Juliette & Ivy’s mother)

🐎 Ivy (Juliette’s sister, has Asperger’s)

👩🏻 Addie (Juliette’s friend, widow, single mom)

👩🏻 Liz (Ty’s sister, Colton’s mother)

🏫 Colton (Liz’s son)

There are other characters as well. The story is told from three (3) POVs: Juliette, Ty, and Gayle-Ann.

The cover is cutesy and romantic to start off. To be honest, I read this book in 4½ hours. The story starts on page seven (7) and ends on page 376, so that is 369 pages read in that time. Usually that is unheard of for a book this size. So, Randel really grabbed me right off and kept my interest. It definitely didn’t linger in any one spot.

There are some plot arcs that might not sit too well with some readers or triggering. These are multiple sclerosis (MS), a relative in assisted living (ALF), and a character with Asperger’s. It is interesting to note that Asperger’s is no longer recognized as a diagnosis in itself, having been merged with other disorders into autism spectrum disorder. And, the spectrum is WIDE.

Randel is careful to tread the subjects by focusing on how it impacts Ivy’s life and her interpersonal communications with others, as well as her behaviors. These are evidenced when it comes time to “show” her pieces at a farmer’s market and Serena’s store.

There is also a moment where Ivy approaches Tessa about selling the jewelry. Juliette warns against it due to Tessa selling the store. Ivy goes against Juliette’s advice, and is upset by Tessa’s rejection.

There are also multiple story arcs:

💲 Ty dealing with the farm and finances

🏅 Juliette still trying to live down her hero status

💕 Ty/Juliette romance

🐎 Juliette and her equine therapy program

💎 Ivy’s jewelry launch

💒 Two weddings

The story starts off with an event 15 years earlier, and one that ends up being blown out of proportion. But, it makes Juliette the town’s darling. As a result of her status, she tries not to date guys from Golden.

In the present day, where the story continues, Ty and Juliette meet over a parking spot clash. And, I have my own tale about that.

Of course, Ty’s resolution lands them in hot water with the chief, and ends up accelerating the matchmaking. Of course, Ty’s father is concerned about Juliette as he doesn’t want a woman who goes before the court dating his son. The reason she was is for a non-violent, non-criminal offense. It was more an “activist” deal as it affected her sister.

For Ty, he immediately likes Juliette, but his family obligations and farm take center spot. So much so, he has to consider going back on a promise.

Juliette is hoping that Ty’s family will help her with her equine therapy program. And, the more the two work together – the closer they get.

They get thrown further together by his sister Liz who has to take an out-of-state trip and can’t chaperone Colton’s dance. And, even Colton has a “sweetheart”. I love the advice that both Ty and Juliette give him.

The farm also serves as a “farmer’s market”, which is a soft launch for Ivy’s jewelry.

Ty is forced to make a decision and Juliette is also forced to face her own past.

It is a nail-biter to the end, and even the matchmakers get worried.

Still, as it is a romance – there is a “happily-ever-after” ending that sets up for a potential fifth (5th) book. I am hopeful as this ended WAY too soon for me.

The matchmakers were an enjoyable part of the book. And, I loved how easily Ty and Juliette fit together. The beginning scene about stealing the sign was hilarious. Though honestly, I would’ve let Ty take the blame instead of trying to put it back 🤣

One problem I had was the “hero” arc. Randel developed it right off, and I honestly thought it was a sweet story. What bothered me the most was how everyone reacted to Juliette’s honesty though, especially since she wasn’t the one perpetuating the story for the past 15 years. It definitely was a sticking spot and I felt so sorry for her.

Randel made some of the story arcs/plots seem quite relatable. For me, they were.

The incident with the parking spot actually happened to me. Only, the person vacating the spot had motioned for me to take the spot. I did have my signal on, and as I was pulling in, someone charged up to take it. My car was ¾ of the way in the space. The person was honking at me to vacate. I didn’t, but the person came within inches of hitting my car in retaliation. Unlike Ty, the person wasn’t anywhere close to the space. So, that is definitely a “real-life” incident.

The sign debacle had me roaring! And, another “true story”.  

In March 2009 (14 years ago), I ran into an issue of a double reserved space.

It was in the parking garage of a hospital. The space was reserved for the IM Resident Swing Shift in ER, but ALSO Patient/Visitor Parking. Despite being a “visitor”, I decided to park a few spaces away to avoid any confusion. Even to this day some people don’t believe me without the picture ⬇️ 🤣 

The arc of Ty’s brother Scott needing to live in an AL facility is all too relatable. Whether a debilitating illness or aging, finding care for those who can’t care for themselves, and family is not equipped to care for the person, can be challenging.

It is VERY stressful for families to find a reputable, decent, and affordable place; even worse if one is needed or wanted close by. It is something that a lot of people cannot plan for or even anticipate. Some issues sprout up quite suddenly. Up until June 2022, my own mother was fine, then suffered a set of issues that culminated in her needing additional care. She has been in and out of hospitals and skilled nursing facilities (SNF) for six (6) months. While she could benefit from a SNF, family (and/or patients) has to have the upfront money for it, and resources do not exist for certain people.

As a result, I was VERY sympathetic to the financial needs of the Pendergrass family. I almost cried over a decision Ty was having to face. While his was for the farm, it is often like that – what resource does one take from to pay for an essential need be it medical or housing?

Like Ivy, I tend to make bracelets as well. I used to do the stretchy cord ones; but branched into the easier to do “euro” bead/Pandora type. I’ve made SO many, have a few to make, and lots more I’d love to do. It is an interesting hobby. Back in the early 1990’s, I also made beaded keychains and t-shirts. One t-shirt has quite the story to it. I don’t sell my stuff as they are unique pieces, but it is relaxing and enjoyable. So, I see why Ivy was drawn to it.

Overall, I really connected to this book which is why I likely read it in a short time.

Since it is part of the cleaner and more wholesome Heartwarming line, there is no bad language or intimate scenes. Affection is limited to hand-holding, hugging, or kissing.

I am REALLY hoping that Randel has another book in the series or two. I really want to see Addie get a story, and I want to see the sheriff (Brady) get one as well. Perhaps them two together?

Those who read the first three books, and are fans of Randel, won’t want to miss this book. 



4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Goodreads

4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Bookbub

4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Personal Rating (see rating explanation in this blog: https://readingexcursions.blogspot.com/2020/01/rating-system-2020-changes.html;update https://readingexcursions.blogspot.com/2022/07/what-goes-into-my-reviews-2022-edition.html)

About the Author

Tara Randel

Tara Randel is an award-winning, USA Today bestselling author. Family values, a bit of mystery and, of course, love and romance, are her favorite themes, because she believes love is the greatest gift of all. She writes for multiple genres, including romance, mystery and Women’s fiction.

Connect with Tara by visiting tararandel.com to follow her on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will receive an autographed copy of His Small Town Dream as well as Stealing Her Best Friend's Heart, a bookmark, and a $25 Amazon gift card!

(1) additional winner will receive a $10 Amazon gift card!

Her Surprise Hometown Match JustRead Giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight March 6, 2023 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on March 13, 2023. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

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  1. Thanks so much for this lovely review of Her Surprise Hometown Match. I'm so happy to be featured here today.

  2. This sounds like a great book! I really like the cover & blurb! Thanks for sharing!


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