🪨🎀🪆 “The Rock/The Ribbon” (Sisters of the Porcelain Doll #1 & #2) (2021/2022) 🪆🎀🪨 – Book Review(s)
Thank you in advance to the author, Cara Grandle, for providing a complimentary review copy of both books through JustRead Publicity Tours. A positive review was not required nor requested, and all words are my own.
This is a new-to-me author, and reading the descriptions – I definitely wanted to read them. And, the covers were gorgeous. Set side by side these two look like halves to make a whole.
This is a series – The Rock (book #1) and The Ribbon (book #2) are the first two books. As the events start at, and are hinted at in The Rock, I do suggest reading them in order. I am hoping that there are two more stories coming as I’d LOVE Cora Mae and Rose’s stories.
As I read both of the books back-to-back … I’ll do the reviews separately. Both are clean reads with light-moderate Christian themes.
Series: Sisters of the Porcelain Doll (Book #1)
Paperback: 300 pages
Publisher: Ashberry Lane (May 13, 2021)
Language: English
ISBN: 1941720544
ISBN-13: 978-1941720547
⬅️ Click Photo for Purchase Information
“After a whiskey still explosion destroys her home and nearly her life, Rebecca Packwood and her father must leave Missouri and her dear friends behind. After crossing The Oregon Trail, she sets out to discover her family’s secret history and to forge a home and community out of the raw farm land of Eagle Creek, Oregon Country, never suspecting a ruthless enemy is seeking to thwart her plans.
Hard-working banker’s son, Clark Sutherland, thought the toughest test he would face was getting out from underneath his father’s thumb. The last thing he expected was to be penniless, homeless, and smitten with a shy, dark-eyed stranger. With nothing to offer her, will he find a way to support himself and still pursue his dreams before they’re pulled apart?
When a man in shadows sets his eyes on their coveted prize, danger descends. Rebecca and Clark must act to protect the desires of their hearts before harm befalls them all. Will they learn to trust their future to the God who heals and sets the lonely in families?”
This is the book that starts the series – SISTERS OF THE PORCELAIN DOLL.
The title comes not only from the item (a ring) that Rebecca places in Cora Mae’s doll, but also THE LORD IS MY ROCK.
Rebecca is the main character, but we’re also introduced to:
🎀 Heather
🪆 Cora Mae
🌹 Rose
🌽 Otis
🏡 Leander
🏡 Clark
🏹 Naantam
🏡 Joe
🏡 Eddie
🏡 Ruben
Despite all the characters, this is told in third person from three POVS: Rebecca, Clark, and mystery man (revealed about 41% in).
This does have some themes that mention or allude to drunkenness, as well an attempted sexual assault. There are also uses of the word “injin” to talk about an Indian (Native American). This is authentic to the time period and used solely for that context.
Grandle starts off the story with Rebecca and her father (Otis) cleaning up after a whiskey still explosion. And, it is clear, Otis has zero regrets. As Rebecca laments – he’s always chosen the whiskey, never her. But, with nothing left there in Meramac, he has to do something.
There is a letter, having been sent a year earlier, from his brother-in-law Leander. There is mention of an inheritance and plans.
At the same time in Oregon Territory, Clark – the only boy in his family – is dealing with pressures stemming from his father’s expectations and the pressures of her mother and sisters about him getting married. Clark doesn’t want to work at the bank under his father. After working with Eddie, Clark decides to quit his job. Of course, that means he has to find his own shelter, provisions, and job. Clark has some money saved, but has to be careful.
Rebecca knew nothing of her mother, and so little of her other family it is a shock about Leander. Otis makes the decision to head towards the Oregon Territory. Their timing works out as someone is determined to kill Leander for his home and property. Thankfully, an Indian rescues him; thwarting someone’s plan. However, the person will try again, vowing not to let Leander swindle him.
While Rebecca doesn’t want to leave, she knows staying isn’t an option. She, along with her three friends make their pact. And, three weeks later, Rebecca and her father leave on the Oregon Trail.
When they arrive, Rebecca meets Clark who is trying to run from his sisters after one sister’s wedding. He doesn’t want them to fix him up.
Rebecca is done walking and wants to be “home”. She, unlike her father, wants roots. And, she wants to plant her rose bush somewhere. And, she thinks she’s found her home at Leander’s farm.
After seeing Rebecca a second time, Clark is insistent he will marry her. She’s the type of girl he wants.
It isn’t long until two brothers – Joe and Ruben are introduced. And, readers learn who the mystery man is.
Rebecca wants to make a home, and her father just wants to make whiskey. Rebecca also gets some “training” from Naantam. It is because of his training that Rebecca has issues with Joe right off. It is clear Naantam doesn’t like Joe.
Clark shows up with provisions for Rebecca, and they learn Eddie is Leander’s nephew (Rebecca’s cousin). Clark’s mom also knew Rebecca’s mother. Rebecca soon gets a letter from “home” and this is where Heather’s story begins to bloom (and will be book #2).
The five people begin to make the place liveable with crops and livestock, but they soon being seeing the signs of “sabotage” – first with a bull getting into the corn, shorting their stock – then other mishaps.
Things change when Rebecca learns her uncle wants Eddie to take the farm. But, she also doesn’t realize there is an inheritance for her. She also learns a devastating secret about herself that causes her to re-think her future there.
She’s also in danger from someone who has their own plans and won’t hesitate to commit murder to get what he feels he is owed in this “must read” novel set in the wilderness of the Oregon Territory with twists, turns, and duplicity that kept me reading well past my bedtime.
In all honesty, I thought this was more of a romance with a “light” suspense, but it had elements of a suspense without that element being so “prominent”, perfectly balancing the story. While the mystery man was revealed about 41% of the way in, it was interesting to see if the other characters would notice and how it would play out.
I honestly read this in less than 12 hours, with half if it read in about 4 hours. I was drawn right in and it kept my attention with the vivid and descriptive writing, short chapters, and the fast-paced story. The emotional storyline and multiple story arc were perfectly woven together. I loved all the connections and the suspense. Grandle is definitely a “must-read” author for me.
I definitely related to Rebecca when Joe rubbed her wrong. She didn’t like him right off, and had that “sense” about others. While feeling guilty initially, she was often proven to be right and have good reason.
This has happened to me on numerous occasions.
One notable incident was when I was working about 15-17 years ago. The manager of a pizza store had hired someone and asked what I thought. For some reason, I didn’t like the guy. Like Rebecca, I felt guilty about not liking the guy without “due cause”, but there was something “off” in the vibe. (If it has happened to you, you know; if not, it’s hard to explain).
Like Rebecca – my reasons came a few hours later. Not only was the employee’s spouse calling the store and harassing the staff – there was something amiss about the guy. With the “back-up” of three huge police officers, the manager terminated the employee who left the store. Thankfully, the ex-employee didn’t cause any issues then or later.
After it was over, the manager looked at me and asked “how did you know?”.
Honestly? I just knew. It was like a vibe, energy – things like that. So, I answered “my gut”. I just KNEW something wasn’t right – like Rebecca. After reading about her feelings towards Joe, that was something I definitely related to and have a tangible experience with.
Another thing I absolutely LOVED was the description of The Oregon Trail.
I actually have a hand-held game of it after playing it on a “wayback” website after seeing the “dysentery” memes (pre-Covid). I got it in 2019 with a gift card as it was a Christmas gift. I have been successful a few times with the “game” (making it and not losing my “people”).
So, reading this book was like seeing the game in reality, especially needing the Indian guide there at the end crossing the river to get there, and safely arriving at Oregon City.
As I also got book #2 with this one, I will definitely be reading that next.
Anyone who enjoys historical romance set in the mid 1800’s is certain to enjoy this one.
5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Goodreads
5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Bookbub
5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Personal Rating
Series: Sisters of the Porcelain Doll (Book #2)
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Ashberry Lane (April 21, 2022)
Language: English
ISBN: 1941720870
ISBN-13: 978-1941720875
Click Photo for Purchase Information ➡️
“Life rips away hope and sweeps her along…until she finds a future worth fighting for.
On the day her mother passes away, Heather Keeton weds a neighbor who promises to provide for her. They journey along the Oregon Trail, but tragedy strikes again. Widowed, alone, and far from home in Oregon Territory, Heather needs work. But where? She determines to use her cooking and baking skills at a logging camp to earn enough to remain independent and, eventually, reach her Porcelain Doll sister, Rebecca.
Land surveyor Zeke Bradley misses being part of a family. A surprise inheritance might open the way for him to settle down and begin a courtship, but he tries to come to the aid of an injured man only to be accused of murder. One wrong move, and he could unjustly swing by his neck from a rope. He flees and hides in a logging camp, waiting for his name to be cleared.
Nothing comes easy at Camp 13 Logging Company, where the work is hard and hazardous. Heather hopes to move on soon, and Zeke longs to be free from his worries. Can these two survivors learn to trust each other before their pasts destroy their future?”
Right after reading The Rock, I dove right into The Ribbon. Like the first book, it gets its title from the item Heather put into Cora Mae’s porcelain doll.
This takes place a year after The Rock. And, as stated in the review of book one (#1), Heather’s story and the background of the “Sisters of the Porcelain Doll” story is set up in that book. While some have said this can be a standalone, I highly suggest reading the first book to ease to understand the dynamics of the relationships.
Readers are reunited with:
🪨 Rebecca (mentioned only)
🎀 Heather
🪆 Cora Mae
🌹 Rose
Grandle also introduces us to:
🐂 Riley
🧺 Liza
🪵 Jigger (Jiggy)
🪵 Zeke
📜 David
📃 Patrick
🍲 Cookie
💐 Jasmine
🪵 Moses
🪵 Workers at Camp 13
Like the first book, this is told from the three main character’s POVs: Heather, Zeke, David; in addition, Rose’s POV is also added.
Right off – Heather is facing two major life changes – losing her mother and getting married to Riley. While he is definitely someone she knows, he is more like a brother, and it is a “marriage of convenience” as Heather has NO way to care for herself. She should love him, but doesn’t – not in that way, not yet – but, he is patient and understanding.
Like Rebecca (and her father) a year earlier – Heather and Riley set out on The Oregon Trail. But, before they leave, they’re accosted by Riley’s father.
In the Auburn area of the territory, David is trying to make a grab for a particular house and land. As he is told – there was a will and the person ending up with the land and house has both the will and deed.
It’s obvious right off, the former owner was murdered, and a woman – Jasmine – was the one to do it. To the town, she’s pining away, but in reality? She and David are working together.
However, the new owner – Zeke – has NO idea of Jasmine’s involvement, and he secretly likes her.
But, it isn’t long until Zeke is “accused” of murder – David’s doing, and Zeke’s friend Patrick “saves” his friend. It is Patrick’s idea for Zeke to head to a logging camp – Camp 13 – to hide out, keeping the papers close to him. Hoping that the truth about David eventually comes to light.
On the way to the camp, Zeke meets a man with no tongue, but a heart of gold – Moses. The two strike up a fast friendship, and even back each other up when a “stranger” comes by looking for a couple. (In an interesting twist, this stranger will come back towards the end of the book). After some coffee, the man moves on.
Moses decides to go with Zeke and the two are quickly hired on. Zeke is injured, which is okay for the foreman – he wants Zeke to run the numbers since that is where Zeke’s talents are.
Heather and Riley end up in a small “home” which has been abandoned. They talk to the mailman who tells them how claims work. And, despite the situation, they both try to make it a home. Within three months (July-September), the two make it a home. There is a man nearby who is interested in the land in case they do want to sell. But, all too soon – tragic strikes, leaving Heather a widow.
With nothing left and no way to care for herself, she has to complete the trip and get to Rebecca. But, first Heather needs provisions. She runs into a rather brash and obnoxious girl – Liza, and the two end up heading to Camp 13 to cook for the men.
It isn’t long until Heather meets Zeke. But, neither one has a “romance” on their mind. Heather is a widow who soon learns she’s pregnant, and Zeke’s heart is still for Jasmine, hoping to be with her after clearing his name.
The letters he gets from Patrick outline David’s dastardly plan. And, even Patrick has his suspicions about Jasmine. Though, one thing is certain – the sheriff isn’t sure about Zeke’s involvement in the death of the “visitor”. And, until something comes forward – Zeke is stuck in a limbo.
Zeke and Moses also notice someone stalking the camp, and Zeke’s suspicions are confirmed when multiple things go missing – coats, canteens, equipment. He’s wondering if it has to do with his trouble.
Heather and Zeke aren’t the only unlikely couple slowly forming. Liza and Jigger end up trading barbs, and despite her besting him, he has his heart set on her.
As things go on, Zeke is wondering if Heather and her son aren’t his future. Though, he has to settle up on his past first.
David is slowly losing ground to get what he wants and becomes not only desperate, but dangerous as well.
When a tragedy strikes the camp, Zeke is compelled to face his past – no matter what. And, Heather also has to reconcile her past as well in this exciting and suspenseful read that has more turns and danger than the Oregon Trail itself.
Obviously, knowing the first book was rather suspenseful, I read up on this one, and it was JUST as suspenseful, though it is clear from the beginning who the baddies are. And, like the first book, I was drawn right in.
Had I NOT had Easter stuff going on, I would’ve easily read this inside of 12 hours as well. Instead, I did take around 23-24 hours to read it. For a book of its size, that isn’t bad. Like the first one – this had short chapters, fast-pacing, and vivid descriptions.
Unlike the first one, this did have a few moments of levity to balance the overwhelming tragedy and suspense.
What I found interesting was the conversation the lawyer had with David about the house Zeke inherited, especially the third conversation. That would’ve thrown up warning signs to me. I would’ve contacted the sheriff just as an FYI given how INTENT and DETERMINED David was to get that house and property.
As I identified with an issue Rebecca had in book #1, I also related to Heather here, perhaps more so. At the end, it was just her and her mother after her Pa left. It has just been my mother and I for over 40 years. However, my “male biological parent” has not seen fit to re-enter my life or to help out with our situation.
With regard to my mother’s health, for the last nine months, my mother has declined in health – rapidly so. And, for some reason – we cannot get a straight answer as to why. Watching my once (mostly) healthy and robust, able-bodied mother wither down to a shadow of herself (literally weighing less than half of what she used to), and unable to do the simplest tasks (even activities of daily living) is gut-wrenching. All of this is from 2022-current; and currently – nothing can be done. So, I cannot imagine what it was like for Heather to know there was something wrong with her mother, and have NO effective interventions for it in the mid 1800’s.
At the end of the book, it appears the author is setting up a potential book #3, likely Cora Mae’s story. It also seems Rose has a story all her own. So, I am hoping that is the case as I’d LOVE to see the four “sisters” reunited.
I am also hoping we get an update on the Liza/Jigger “romance”.
And, I’m hoping that Patrick returns, perhaps as a “detective” since he did such great work with the David/Zeke deal. Perhaps him and Cora Mae??
Also, when Zeke and Moses are hired on at Camp 13, there was an “Albert” and I was wondering if this was the same “Albert” who was mentioned in The Rock.. So, I ABSOLUTELY HAVE to read any future books in the series. So many loose ends piling up.
Fans of the genre, and those who read the first book will no doubt want to read this one as well.
4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Goodreads
4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Bookbub
4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Personal Rating (see rating explanation in this blog: https://readingexcursions.blogspot.com/2020/01/rating-system-2020-changes.html;update: https://readingexcursions.blogspot.com/2022/07/what-goes-into-my-reviews-2022-edition.html)
Cara Grandle is an author of inspirational historical romance novels set in 1800s Oregon Territory. Her latest novels, The Ribbon and The Rock, are adventurous western romance. She loves to weave heartwarming tales where the underdog overcomes. Cara has interview and podcast experience. She is also an acquisitions editor and publicist for WhiteFire Publishing.
You can find her on the following social media accounts:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cara-Grandle-519718824772559
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/caragrandleauthor/
Website: https://caragrandle.com/
*Post contains Amazon affiliate links
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