💗 "Three Makes a Family" (City by the Bay Stories #7) (2021) 💗- Book Tour & Review

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Three Makes a Family
(City by the Bay Stories #7)
By Cari Lynn Webb
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 223 Pages
April 1, 2021 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Can love for a child
Make them a family?

Lawyer Molly McKinney needs to be the best now more than ever. Relocating to San Francisco means a chance to provide a stable income and home for her nine-month-old daughter. And defending former rival Drew Harrington against charges of witness tampering will boost her reputation. As they work to clear Drew's name, their feelings grow. But does Molly have room in her life for love?

USA TODAY Bestselling Author

City by the Bay Stories
Book 1: The Charm Offensive
Book 2: The Doctor's Recovery
Book 3: Ava's Prize
Book 4: Single Dad to the Rescue
Book 5: In Love by Christmas
Book 6: Her Surprise Engagement
Book 7: Three Makes a Family

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Other Books in the Series

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About the Author

Cari Lynn Webb lives in South Carolina with her husband, daughters and assorted four-legged family members. She's been blessed to see the power of true love in her grandparent's 70 year marriage and her parent's marriage of over 50 years. She knows love isn't always sweet and perfect, it can be challenging, complicated and risky. But she believes happily-ever-afters are worth fighting for. She loves to connect with readers. Visit her at her website.

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$50 Amazon gift card, complete set of the 5 Blackwell Sisters books and spring assortment of candy (US only)

Ends April 14, 2021

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My Review

Thank you in advance to the author, Cari Lynn Webb, for providing a complimentary review copy through Prism Book Tours. A positive review was not requested or required, and all words are my own.

This was not my first introduction to the author’s writing, and it certainly won’t be my last.

I did an independent review for In Love by Christmas, which is book #5 in the City by the Bay series. I also reviewed book #6, Her Surprise Engagement through Prism Book Tours. I also read Montana Wedding, again through Prism.

While I enjoyed some books more than others, this book – Three Makes a Family – is by far the best book I’ve read by the author.

It doesn’t help that the cover is just SO super cute!! That little cherub looks like she’s up for some mischief!! But, she’s SO stinkin’ cute!!

Right off I LOVED Molly and Hazel, and I loved how much Molly was dedicated to her daughter as well as finding a good job to provide for her. Drew was definitely an interesting character. While he was so natural with Hazel, it was a shame to see how focused on his career he was – or rather would be when he gets cleared of the charges.

Molly’s ex Derrick is some piece of work as well.

Some characters from the “series” are not mentioned: Josie and Theo from book #5, and others I am not sure about. I didn’t really miss them either. And, despite this being a series, this acts like a great standalone read.

This book contains a baby, a great family vibe, and quite a bit of light suspense (on Drew’s investigation and case).

Webb started right off with poor Drew. Hearing a motion denied can never be easy. He doesn’t know what to do, but it’s a good thing Molly drew him as a client. Yet, he knows that what is going down could harm anyone trying to help him.

At the same time, Molly is moving forward with full custody of her daughter, a daughter her ex isn’t interested in. Right off, I didn’t trust Derrick.

But, while they’re not violent charges, the charges against Drew are serious. And, it even stretched towards his family and brings out a bit of suspense, so it is a fairly exciting read that is balanced with family and friends.

And, it doesn’t stop at Drew; one of the people in his office is also affected – Gina.

The author realistically showed the life Molly juggles as she balances work and mom life. I loved one part where Molly made it clear that her daughter filled her heart, while work filled her life. Yet, Molly struggles to find a nanny.

At the halfway point Drew and Molly realize they are each other’s best friend.

They eventually find a witness who will help Drew, which ends in quite the sad manner setting his case back. And, it goes worse for Molly when a social worker visits.

But, as Molly has learned – trust and love is all you can do. And, while something we do is who we are – is it who we want to be? Webb really tugs the heartstrings with that.

This was a super quick and easy read due to the short chapters (for the Heartwarming line). The fast, but not rapid, pace kept me wanting to turn the pages. Webb “drew” me right in with this one from the first word. And, after page 239, I just couldn’t put it down.

It did lose me with Drew’s boss’ part in something, and it is never resolved as to the motive. In addition, an issue with Molly’s ex, Derrick, again the motive wasn’t too clear either. Overall, this was a fantastic read, and would love to see what Webb is up to next.

I LOVE the Heartwarming line because the stories are sweet and they’re clean reads. These can be enjoyed by people who love cleaner romance and those who enjoy Christian fiction even though there are no Christian themes in theme.

Fans of the author; and those who’ve read the previous books won’t want to miss this one!

5 very brilliant stars!! 


  1. Thank you for sharing your review of this story and yhe book and author details, it sounds like a wonderful read.


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