🙏🏻✝️ “Even Silence is Praise” (2022) ✝️🙏🏻– Book Review





Paperback: 224 Pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (February 8, 2022)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0785244433

ISBN-13: 978-07852444331

️ Click Photo for Purchase Information


Are you curious about biblical Christian meditation? Through stories, practical advice, and helpful prompts, Rick Hamlin guides Christians to center their minds and hearts on God as they seek to hear the still small voice above all the noise and chaos in the world.


Rick Hamlin has been unpacking the power of prayer in Finding God on the A Train and Ten Prayers You Can’t Live Without and the special Guideposts book, Prayer Works. In this new book, you will discover:


  • how meditation has deep Christian roots that go back for millennia,
  • how it can be used to live more authentically and let go of anxiety,
  • how to love more generously and find God’s will in your life, and
  • how to grow in compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance.


The steps are simple, and at the end of each chapter Hamlin offers specific exercises to enhance your practice.


“If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take his cross daily and follow me,” Jesus said to his followers. Meditative prayer offers a rich resource to do just that. Silence speaks volumes and becomes a tool for all Jesus followers.”


Thank you in advance to the author, Rick Hamlin, for providing a complimentary review copy. A positive review was not required nor requested, and all words are my own.


I started getting bible study books in the fall of 2020. I had, up to that point, been reading quite a few Christian self-help books through Revell (a division of Baker Books).


In 2020, I did some bible studies (Moody Publishers) and found them to be fascinating, but at times – so much work.


Last year, in 2021, I found the (in)courage bible studies, and I was on the launch team for the following ones:


Courageous Joy

Courageous Influence

Courageous Kindness


It culminated in me buying Courageous Simplicity. Why am I mentioning them?




What I liked about the (in)courage line – the books had relevant reminders; examples; a simplicity; and a “friendly”, almost “community” feeling. It was like a conversation with a support group or a prayer group.


When I saw this book, the title grabbed me right off – Even Silence is Praise.


What kind of a book would this be? What was the author’s style? I hadn’t read any of his work before, despite his association with Guideposts, a magazine I read here or there for about the past 30 years.


This is one of those books that isn’t a “one and done” kind of read. It isn’t a bible study you work in and then move on. It’s more or less a reference book for everyday or when one needs a refresher course in learning to meditate to pray. In these times, a little “silence” is refreshing. So, the book is quite relevant, if not much needed.


The preface of the book was interesting if not a bit humorous. I had to laugh at the FBI show reference. I do watch FBI: MOST WANTED. As the author didn’t indicate which one it was, it is a treat to perhaps think that was the version.


But, he uses that to segue into the beginnings of this work and putting ourselves at ease to change the way we live.


Hamlin goes over the ways that meditative prayer helps us and how we can fit it into our seemingly busy lives. This is both a book about prayer and meditation. And, right off he addresses the many psychological and physical benefits we get from meditation as well as addressing the different forms.


It almost comes off as a conversation with a friend or a counseling session with a pastor with relevant bible quotes, references to spiritual and other leaders, and suggestions. His writing is easy to understand and follow.


Hamlin also does something unique – he encourages the reader to stop reading to meditate.


Some of the chapter highlights:


📖 Pick a Time and Place

📖 Listen to Your Anger

📖 Hear the Worries

📖 Put Away Your Phone (Every Now and Then)

📖 Hold a Good Thought for Others


Hamlin’s easy, laid-back style puts everything into an easy and relatable perspective needed for these uncertain times. His practical examples fit almost anyone’s situation or any lifestyle. He also references social media and reactions to what we see and read online. That part resonated with me as part of what I do for Bookstagram and book reviews involves being online.


There are so many good points about this book, it is hard to really to highlight without re-writing the entire book here.


Those who are familiar with the author might want to pick this up. Those who want a different approach to meditation with prayer or vice versa – this is a book to look at.


I definitely enjoyed this and will keep it close at hand.





5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ /5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Goodreads


5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ /5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Bookbub


5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ /5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Personal Rating (see rating explanation in this blog: https://readingexcursions.blogspot.com/2020/01/rating-system-2020-changes.html)




A long-time editor at Guideposts magazine, Rick Hamlin is a frequent contributor to all Guideposts publications. He often writes about his prayer journey and has hosted numerous prayer events for the Guideposts community, in person and on social media. A busy husband, father, magazine executive, and lay leader in his church, he stresses how prayer and meditation can be a natural part of everyday life. He grew up in Southern California but has lived most of his adult life in New York City, where he and his wife sing in their church choir. In addition to his nonfiction—most recently Pray for Me—he has authored several novels, including Reading Between the Lines. Rick blogs regularly at guideposts.org and has published several op-eds in the New York Times.


He can be found on the following social media networks:


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RickHamlinPrays/


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rickhamlinprays/


Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rick_Hamlin




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