👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 🏡 🌀 Hurricane Season 🌀 🏡👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 (2018) - Book Review


Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (April 3, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 071808425X
ISBN-13: 978-0718084257

Betsy and Ty Franklin, owners of Franklin Dairy Farm in southern Alabama, have long since buried their desire for children of their own. While Ty manages their herd of dairy cows, Betsy busies herself with the farm’s day-to-day operations and tries to forget her dream of motherhood. But when her free-spirited sister, Jenna, drops off her two young daughters for “just two weeks,” Betsy’s carefully constructed wall of self-protection begins to crumble.

As the two weeks stretch deeper into the Alabama summer, Betsy and Ty learn to navigate the new additions in their world—and revel in the laughter that now fills their home. Meanwhile, record temperatures promise to usher in the most active hurricane season in decades.

Attending an art retreat four hundred miles away, Jenna is fighting her own battles. She finally has time and energy to focus on her photography, a lifelong ambition. But she wonders how her rediscovered passion can fit in with the life she’s made back home as a single mom.

When Hurricane Ingrid aims a steady eye at the Alabama coast, Jenna must make a decision that will change her family’s future, even as Betsy and Ty try to protect their beloved farm and their hearts.”

Having been introduced to Lauren K. Denton’s third book “Glory Road” earlier this year, my mother gave me the author’s two previous novels for my birthday.

[Hurricane Season (2018) & The Hideaway (2017) both by Lauren K Denton]

“Hurricane Season” is Lauren K. Denton’s second book. It is a Southern Romance novel. Like “The Hideaway” and “Glory Road”, it is a standalone read.

The story is told from three POVs – Jenna, Betsy, and Ty (Betsy’s husband).

Betsy and Ty Franklin are the owners of Franklin Dairy. Ty tends the cows and Betsy handles the day to day operations. Approaching 30, Betsy has given up having her own children due to repeated issues in conception.

Betsy’s younger sister Jenna; is a single mom to two daughters – Addie (5) and Walsh (3). Jenna is working at a coffee shop to support herself and her children.

Jenna gets an opportunity to pursue her lifelong ambition (photography) at a retreat – but she has to find someone to care for her daughters for two weeks. That’s where Betsy comes in. Reluctantly, Betsy says yes – it is only two weeks.

Jenna is having her own crisis at the retreat. After being given a rare opportunity to stay longer than the original two (2) weeks and work on her photography, she wonders if she should stay or rush home. She wants to have something to show for her life and feels she won’t get another chance to do something like this again. 

Jenna misses her children who seem to be adjusting well with Betsy and Ty. But, she isn’t being told the entire story either. Betsy is having issues in dealing with “two little reminders of what my body can’t do”. A very powerful line in this novel. And, that puts a strain on Betsy and Ty’s marriage.

As weeks drag out, and a hurricane makes its way towards the farm – Ty, Betsy, and Jenna have to sort out what they want in life and what their choices will mean.

“Hurricane Season” not only refers to the storm season and the approaching storm, but the storms in our personal lives – choices to make, lives affected, and the consequences of such.

Jenna undoubtedly wants to do more with her life than “serve coffee”, but she also has two small children who rely on her. She leaves her children with her sister without advance notice or discussing the impact it would have on her sister as well as Ty. True Jenna didn’t have much notice – but it should’ve been discussed more thoroughly with her sister. I also feel that Betsy should’ve been more honest with her sister throughout the story.

Betsy isn’t quite 30 when the story begins and has been trying to have children since she was 25. Seeing and caring for Jenna’s children, brings out some resentment which is understandable to a point, considering Jenna didn’t want kids. If I can be honest, 30 isn’t that old. Some women have kids in their late 30’s to mid 40’s.

Ty’s frustration was understandable. He knew the infertility issues his wife was having. His primary goal was to protect Betsy. He wasn’t good at communicating what he wanted either. He was wonderful in interacting with the kids though.

I felt sorry for Addie and Walsh. They adored their mother and didn’t understand what was going on.

Max and Gregory …

I felt that while Max was looking out for Jenna and her talent, he was failing to understand that she was the kids’ only caregiver. What did he expect her to do with her kids while she spent even two weeks at Halcyon? What if her sister decided to say no?

Gregory was another problem – like Max, he was only focused on Jenna’s talent – not her responsibilities. The two guys saw nothing wrong with pawning the kids off on Jenna’s sister, and by extension Jenna saw nothing wrong with it either.

Denton did a wonderful job with creating family strife as well as the impact of indecisions on our lives, and how it affects those around us. She definitely drove home the point about it appears selfish when we follow dreams/goals, but also about how we should think about more in life than “just making ends meet”.

Can we fit what we want into what we need? Is pursuing a “dream job” with “the potential” to earn more money worth sacrificing family, and a job that does pay the bills? At one point is it alright to make decisions with others in mind? Or should we only consider ourselves.

As a fan of Denton’s “Glory Road”, I wanted to read her previous work. This is admittedly the weakest of the three books she has released. It wasn’t a bad read, but it wasn’t as enjoyable as the other two.

3 ⭐⭐⭐/5⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Born and raised in Mobile, Alabama, Lauren K. Denton now lives with her husband and two daughters in Homewood, just outside Birmingham. In addition to her fiction, she writes a monthly newsletter column about life, faith, and how funny (and hard) it is to be a parent. On any given day, she’d rather be at the beach with her family and a stack of books. The Hideaway was her highly acclaimed and USA Today bestselling debut novel.

You can follow her on the following social media accounts:

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